About Us

A trip that goes away from daily life.
The Seoul International Travel Fair always cares about safe travel for the tourism industry and the people over the world.

The 40th

Seoul International Travel Fair

Jun 5(Thu.) - 8(Sun.) , 2025 / 4 days

COEX Hall C, Seoul, Korea

The 39th

Seoul International Travel Fair

May 9(Thu.) - 12(Sun.), 2024 / 4 Days

Coex Hall C, Seoul, Korea

 Since 1986, we have held a Korean World Travel Fair(a.k.a Seoul International Travel Fair) that is one of the most representative fairs in our comapny. Also, we have not only held exhibitions in a lot of metropoli's such as Daegu Gyeongbuk, Busan and many more annually, but we have also contributed to local development.

 The Korea World Travel Fair (KOTFA) is, with its 40 year-history, the largest international travel fair in Korea where 40 countries are participating to promote their tourism resources and cultures. The KOTFA is the only international travel fair in Korea where the official tourism organizations at home and abroad are participating and sponsoring.

 The KOTFA is supporting to strengthen the competitiveness of the tourism industry in Korea by combining inbound, outbound and intrabound tourism together and providing a market place for mutual relationship among tourism businesses at home and abroad. 

 The KOTFA is constantly pursuing the public concerns by providing various benefits to enable the developing countries to participate in the Fair, and enlarging the international relationship. The KOTFA dedicates to encourage the sound tourism of Korean travelers by offering various information of domestic and foreign tourism attractions. 

Since 1986, we have held a Korean World Travel Fair (a.k.a Seoul International Travel Fair) that is one of the most representative fairs in our comapny. Also, we have not only held exhibitions in a lot of metropoli's such as Daegu Gyeongbuk, Busan and many more annually, but we have also contributed to local development.

The Korea World Travel Fair (KOTFA) is, with its 38 year-history, the largest international travel fair in Korea where 70 countries are participating to promote their tourism resources and cultures. The KOTFA is the only international travel fair in Korea where the official tourism organizations at home and abroad are participating and sponsoring.

The KOTFA is supporting to strengthen the competitiveness of the tourism industry in Korea by combining inbound, outbound and intrabound tourism together and providing a market place for mutual relationship among tourism businesses at home and abroad.

The KOTFA is constantly pursuing the public concerns by providing various benefits to enable the developing countries to participate in the Fair, and enlarging the international relationship. The KOTFA dedicates to encourage the sound tourism of Korean travelers by offering various information of domestic and foreign tourism attractions.

Contact us


이용약관         개인정보처리방침

제 40회 서울국제관광전

KOTFA. 서울특별시 중구 소공로 4길 3 코트파 빌딩

Business Lincense 203-81-53051   

Tel 02-757-6161   Fax 02-757-6089

Copyright ⓒ 서울국제관광전조직위원회 All rights reserved. 

이용약관      개인정보처리방침

제 40회 서울국제관광전

KOTFA. 서울특별시 중구 소공로 4길 3 코트파 빌딩

Business Lincense 203-81-53051

Tel 02-757-6161 Fax 02-757-6089

Copyright 서울국제관광전조직위원회 All rights reserved.